Happy Hippies are committed to making sure people feel loved and supported no matter what. That's why this year we're celebrating Valentine's Day by sending the love to LGBT youth who too often face stigma and discrimination. Help us add some Happy Hippie spirit to Valentine's Day by posting your own #HappyHippieGram!! Whether it’s an edit, photo of your artwork or a message of love, post a Valentine for LGTBQ youth in LA with #HappyHippieGram and we’ll print and deliver it for you!
If you're wondering why sending a #HappyHippieGram is important or what difference it will make, check out these stats from an extensive survey by the Human Rights Campaign:
- 40% of LGBT youth say the community in which they live is not accepting of LGBT people
- 92% of LGBT youth say they hear negative messages about being LGBT, and the top sources are school, the internet and their peers.
When each of us speaks up to send a message of love, hope and encouragement, we fight the stigma against LGBT youth that still exists and we help build acceptance, which leads to better self-esteem, well-being and overall general health for LGBT youth. A little bit of love can go a long way, so join us and post your #HappyHippieGram!!