When it comes to transgender rights, we are so inspired by the amazing progress that has been made recently, but there is still a long way to go! Thank you to the amazing experts at the National LGBTQ Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality for helping to educate us about the injustices that transgender and gender non-conforming people face every day. Here are some of the key facts from Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, a national survey of 6,450 transgender and gender non-conforming individuals to remind us that the fight for equality and acceptance is not over:
- Harassment: 78% of survey respondents who expressed a transgender identity or gender non-conformity while in grades K-12 reported harassment; harassment was so severe that it led almost one-sixth (15%) to leave a school in K-12 settings or in higher education.
- Acceptance: 57% of respondents experienced significant family rejection.
- Extreme Poverty: Respondents were nearly four times more likely to have a household income of less than $10,000/year compared to the general population.
- Homelessness: One in five respondents reported experiencing homelessness at some point in their lives because they were transgender or gender non-conforming.
But here's the good news: "Despite all of the harassment, mistreatment, discrimination and violence faced by respondents, study participants also demonstrated determination, resourcefulness and perseverance:
- Although the survey identified major structural barriers to obtaining health care, 76% of transgender respondents have been able to receive hormone therapy, indicating a determination to endure the abuse or search out sensitive medical providers.
- Despite high levels of harassment, bullying and violence in school, many respondents were able to obtain an education by returning to school. Although fewer 18 to 24-yearolds were currently in school compared to the general population, respondents returned to school in large numbers at later ages, with 22% of those aged 25-44 currently in school (compared to 7% of the general population).
- Over three-fourths (78%) reported feeling more comfortable at work and their performance improving after transitioning, despite reporting nearly the same rates of harassment at work as the overall sample.
- Of the 26% who reported losing a job due to bias, 58% reported being currently employed and of the 19% who reported facing housing discrimination in the form of a denial of a home/apartment, 94% reported being currently housed."
What you can do:
- Learn more- read the full Injustice at Every Turn: A Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey here
- Speak out- if you identify as transgender, genderqueer, or non-binary, make your voice heard by signing up to take the 2015 US Transgender Survey to help advocates, organizations and researchers learn about trans people's experiences over time, how things are changing and what needs to be done to improve lives.